Monday, December 29, 2008


Yeah, that's right. A bat. Like one of those weird leathery bird things that I have never seen before until today! Emma and I were walking out of Abercrombie TOTALLY casual and smelling like that cologne they spray everywhere when SUDDENLY this bat comes out of no where. It got kind of close to my head. And by close I mean like ten feet at least. Emma and the rest of the people didn't mind, but with by bird phobia, I've discovered comes a bat phobia.
I cried a little. I also squealed a lot. It sucked.

I was going to put a picture here of a huge, scary bat thing but when I googled "giant bats" the pictures scared me too much to save one on my desktop. So unfortunately there is no picture.

But I did see another movie. The 4th one I've seen this winter break. I saw "Bedtime Stories" with Adam Sandler in it. It was a really cute movie. And it made my life and the movie a billion times better that Russell Brand was in it.

The funniest part was when he woke up and screamed during the hotel presentations.
He is SO COOL. His accent is the best thing I've ever heard and he is so funny. Emma and I decided he was weirdly hot, even if he is a sex addict and has like 12 STDs.

Oh, I also saw this picture and then promptly passed out. EXCELLENT.

That band is ALL TIME LOW.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Confessions and Sticky Movie Theatres

When I plan outfits I think about what magazines would say about them if I was famous. It will happen!
Whoah, John O'Callaghan and I will not have a very good celebrity name. I CAN SEE IT NOW! It'll be HOT.

I went to the movies today and I got a kids pack. Oh, I also thought it was funny that when we paid with a hundred dollar bill the guy held it up in the light and looked at it. OH SPEAKING OF HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS: my sister and dad found two in the street in front of our house. We used one to pay.

I could tell the guy thought I was weird when I ordered it, but it's SO convenient. I can never decide what I want to get at the movies. This way I got all three and in reasonable perportions. It hurts me deeply to throw away half a gallon of dr. pepper at the end of a movie when I ordered a small. They put skittles in my kids pack, the mini packages, they tasted old.

There was a preview for "The Fast And The Furious" and OH MY GOD Vin Diesel is SUCH a badass. I have loved him ever since that movie, "The Pacifier."

But in this movie, or at least the trailer for it, he is the definition of cool. He's got that whole slick, slow curve thing going on.

The movie I actually saw was "The Yes Man." It was excellent and crappy. It was also really funny, except I was the only one in the movie theatre who laughed at the part when Jim Carry walks up to the bar and says "I came." (See the movie to understand it.) I think I laughed because of the senses of humor at my school. There where some awkward moments... especially with the old lady and the.... just see the movie. But there was a cute little romance and weird Jim Carry humor.

I remember these two quotes:
"Do you remember my friend Ian? He's a computer hacker. He helped me delete your myspace. And your band's myspace. Oh, and your facebook."


"The world is a playground. We know this when we are young. But somehow as an adult that gets lost."

I liked this part. And the Red Bull part. See it!

Wait For Me

I'm going to write a lot later

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I got this top today at Urban Outfitters
Sydney helped me buy it! I lovers her
I love it, I'm so excited
I also really like Coldplay.

You cut me down a tree
And brought it back to me
And that's what made me see
Where I was going wrong

You put me on a shelf
And kept me for yourself
I can only blame myself
You can only blame me

And I could write a song
A hundred miles long
Well that's where I belong
And you belong with me

And I could write it down
And spread it all around
Get lost and then get found
Or swallowed in the sea

Friday, December 26, 2008


Everyone needs a pair of these. And they need to be messed up, worn, and old. Full of memories for sure.

Being organized makes me tense.
The other day I decided to stop cleaning my room, stop putting away my stuff, and stop making my bed. There isn't a point, I can still find what I need even if it is laying under a pile of a zillion other things.
So currently:
-my bed is a giant pile of covers and pillows
-my clothes are all over the ground and on the floor of the closet
-there is a stack of sweatshirts, pillows, and shoes in the corner
-the contents of my purse are all over my desk
-I couldn't even find my laptop to write this, I finally found it halfway under my bookshelf
Honestly, the disorganization is driving me insane
I think John Ohh is scared of all the mess around him
John Ohh is my fish, by the way
He's a jerk

On another note, my new messy habits, weird sleeping patterns, and the fact that I have been eating whatever I want the past week or so will definitely prove beneficial when I am thrown into the lifestyle of a rock star in the near future. How I will get there, I haven't figured out yet. Ideally, I'd tour with The Maine. I would even scream "pull over the fucking van" into a camera at the top of my lungs with them.

I'm Really Shallow

Rock stars are really HOT
These are not at all in ANY order

Mike and William, The Academy Is

Brandon, The Killers

Josh, Paramore

Pat, The Maine

Trace, Metro Station

Kennedy, The Maine

Jack, All Time Low

Garrett, The Maine

Alex, All Time Low

AND BEST FOR LAST: John, The Maine
We're definitely getting married

No One Should Read This

THINKING. I do it way too much. Really, it's pretty much all I do. When I sleep, I dream, which is a way of sorting out thoughts I guess. Though I don't really understand what running into John O'Callaghan in a forest of bamboo symbolizes. I talk, but talking is just an obscure and messed up version of whatever my brain is spitting out at me. I listen to music, but the songs I choose are just my thoughts incapsolated into lyrics.  I do gymnastics, but it's really just what goes through my head put into a physical sense. So I thought making a blog would help me with this thinking problem I have. I think too much, maybe it's because I never say it or write it down. The words stay inside of me and keep reacurring and swirling back around like a ferris wheel of different problems or concerns. Writing it here may help me think less or it may make me just look like another one of those weird blogging people that think their word is gold. I don't think that, I just have things to say and I'm sick of keeping it cooped up inside my smallish, confused brain.

I really like The Maine.

Jared, Kennedy, Pat, John, and Garrett.