When I plan outfits I think about what magazines would say about them if I was famous. It will happen!
Whoah, John O'Callaghan and I will not have a very good celebrity name. I CAN SEE IT NOW! It'll be HOT.
I went to the movies today and I got a kids pack. Oh, I also thought it was funny that when we paid with a hundred dollar bill the guy held it up in the light and looked at it. OH SPEAKING OF HUNDRED DOLLAR BILLS: my sister and dad found two in the street in front of our house. We used one to pay.
I could tell the guy thought I was weird when I ordered it, but it's SO convenient. I can never decide what I want to get at the movies. This way I got all three and in reasonable perportions. It hurts me deeply to throw away half a gallon of dr. pepper at the end of a movie when I ordered a small. They put skittles in my kids pack, the mini packages, they tasted old.
There was a preview for "The Fast And The Furious" and OH MY GOD Vin Diesel is SUCH a badass. I have loved him ever since that movie, "The Pacifier."

But in this movie, or at least the trailer for it, he is the definition of cool. He's got that whole slick, slow curve thing going on.

The movie I actually saw was "The Yes Man." It was excellent and crappy. It was also really funny, except I was the only one in the movie theatre who laughed at the part when Jim Carry walks up to the bar and says "I came." (See the movie to understand it.) I think I laughed because of the senses of humor at my school. There where some awkward moments... especially with the old lady and the.... just see the movie. But there was a cute little romance and weird Jim Carry humor.
I remember these two quotes:
"Do you remember my friend Ian? He's a computer hacker. He helped me delete your myspace. And your band's myspace. Oh, and your facebook."
"The world is a playground. We know this when we are young. But somehow as an adult that gets lost."

I liked this part. And the Red Bull part. See it!