Being organized makes me tense.
The other day I decided to stop cleaning my room, stop putting away my stuff, and stop making my bed. There isn't a point, I can still find what I need even if it is laying under a pile of a zillion other things.
So currently:
-my bed is a giant pile of covers and pillows
-my clothes are all over the ground and on the floor of the closet
-there is a stack of sweatshirts, pillows, and shoes in the corner
-the contents of my purse are all over my desk
-I couldn't even find my laptop to write this, I finally found it halfway under my bookshelf
Honestly, the disorganization is driving me insane
I think John Ohh is scared of all the mess around him
John Ohh is my fish, by the way
He's a jerk
On another note, my new messy habits, weird sleeping patterns, and the fact that I have been eating whatever I want the past week or so will definitely prove beneficial when I am thrown into the lifestyle of a rock star in the near future. How I will get there, I haven't figured out yet. Ideally, I'd tour with The Maine. I would even scream "pull over the fucking van" into a camera at the top of my lungs with them.
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